SP (simple present),
PC (present continuous),
PP (present perfect),
PPC (present perfect continuous)
Réponse :
0 I haven't decided what I want to do yet. (PP)
1 I always do my homework when I get home from school. (SP)
2 Liam hasn't been doing well at school for a few months. (PPC)
3 My sister's always talking on her phone. (PC)
Ici l'emploi du présent continu ( avec "always" ) indique la répétition de quelque chose qui agace, irrite, énerve. (Ce qui est différent de l'utilisation du présent simple avec "always" )
4. They've been thinking about buying a new house for more than a year now. (PPC)
5 Jim's forgotten to do his homework again. (PP)
6. Steve doesn't want to go to college next year. (PS)
7 It's ( PS) the last week of classes, so we're not doing (PC)very much at school.