- The Simpsons doesn't live in Springfield
Do the Simpsons live in Springfield?
- Mrs Jackson doesn't teach English
Does Mrs Jackson teaches English ?
- Grizzly bears don't eat fish and meat
Do grizzly bears eat fish and meat ?
- My little brothers don't like pizza and spaghetti
Do my little brothers like pizza and spaghetti ?
- Beyonce didn't sing "single ladies"
Did Beyonce sing "single ladies" ?
- Robert and Benjamin don't read a lot
Do Robert and Benjamin read a lot ?
- Cars don't pollute
Do cars pollute ?
- Mrs Robinson doesn't go to the market on Wednesday
Do Mrs Robinson goes to the market on Wednesday ?
- Dark Vador doesn't serve the emperor Palatine
Do Dark Vador serve the emperor Palatine ?
- Luke Hobbs, alias the Rock, don't drive fast cars
Do Luke Hobbs, alias the Rock, drives fast cars ?
- Donald Trump don't go on Twitter everyday
Do Donald Trump goes on Twitter everyday ?
- Dogs Don't sleep for hours
Do dogs sleep for hours ?
- Amazon don't send million of parcels in the world
Do Amazon send millions of parcels in the world ?
- Football players don't make a lot of money
Do football players make a lot of money ?