Sagot :

1. a. had committed, found

b. Ended, had become

c. Had been, became

d. Happened, ha started

2. a Had turned, showed

b.  Had hit, experienced

c. Had helped, became

d. Had watched, heard

3. a. Went, had stolen

b. Had arrested, escaped

c. Had been, became



Réponse :


a. Bonnie and Clyde had committed many crimes when the FBI finally found them

(1) ils ont commis des crimes

(2) le FBI les a trouvés

.b. By the time Prohibition ended, many mobsters had become rich.

(1) beaucoup de gangsters sont devenus riches

(2) fin de la Prohibition

c. Al Capone had been a minor criminal before he became public enemy number 1.

(1) Capone était un petit criminel

(2) il est devenu l'ennemi public n°1

d. Prohibition had started before the Great Depression happened.

(1) début de la prohibition ( 1920)

(2) la grande dépression/crise économique qui commence avec le "jeudi noir" krack boursier   (1929)


a. The media had turned Bonnie and Clyde into romantic runaways before they showed them as criminals.

b. Before the Great Depression hit, Americans had experienced restrictions due to WWI and prohibition.

c. Capone had helped other criminals before he became a Mafia boss.

d. Before I watched The Godfather I had heard about famous gangsters like Capone and Dillinger.

Explications :

Repérer les événements :

past perfect ( had + participe passé ) pour l'action la plus ancienne (1)

prétérit (2)