Bonjour quelqu’un pourrait me faire l’exercice 1 s’il vous plaît !!

active to passive voice
a- The demonstrators at the Selma Montgomery march in 1965 were beaten by the police.
b- A bomb was planted in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963.
c- Before the civil rights movement, black and white people were expected to use separate facilities by the government.
d- 4 African-American girls were killed by the bomb Church service and 14 others were injured.
e- Sit-ins were organized by students at Woolworth, (North Carolina) in 1960.
f- Segregation in the US was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
g- By the 1960s, it was believed that things could be change.
À la voix active le sujet fait l'action.
À la voix passive il devient complément d'agent (introduit par "by") et subit l'action.
le complément d'agent n'est mis que s'il apporte une information .... (pas someone, par exemple)
Le COD de la voix active devient sujet de la voix passive.
On utilise l'auxiliaire be au même temps que celui de la voix active + participe passé du verbe.
Bonne soirée☺☺☺