Bonjour je n’arrive pas mon exercice d’anglais !!

Antelopes are faster than zebras and they are usually smaller
Les adjectifs de 1 syllabe forment leur comparatif en "-er"
Flamingos are more beautiful and more colourful than ostriches
les adjectifs de 3 syllabes et plus forment le comparatif avec "more" :
3) Monkeys are funnier and more amusing than many oyher animals
Les adjectifs de 1 ou 2 syllabe(s) qui se terminent par -y forment leur comparatif en "-i + er" :
amusing : 3 syllabes
1. Antelopes are faster than zebras and they are usually smaller.
2. Flamingos are more beautiful and more colourful than ostriches.
3. Monkeys are funnier and more amusing than many oyher animals.
Français :
En espérant t'avoir aidée !
Anglais :
Hoping to have helped you !