Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez à cet exercice d’anglais niveau 4e svp ? Consigne : conjuguer au Prétérit BE - ING

My sister was collecting stamps.
She was always telling good jokes.
Where was he hiding now ?
Dad was phoning, shut up Jane.
How was she preparing her tea ?
She usualy was bringing her dog with her.
Go home, your parents were looking for you.
She was always posting her letters in the afternoon.
Jane, were you doing the packing ?
He was selling cars.
Tu es sûr(e) que c'est bien au prétérit qu'il faut conjuguer "Be" dans toutes les phrases ? Pour certaines, comme la 3 et la 4, cela me paraît étrange.
Réponse :
My sister was collecting stamps.
She was always telling good jokes.
Where was hiding he now?
Das was phoning, shut up Jane.
How was she preparing her tea?
She was usually bringing her dog with her.
Go home, your parents were looking for you.
She was always posting her letters in the afternoon.
Jane, were you doing the packing?
He was selling cars.
Explications :
Pour former le prétérit BE -ING :
Be au prétérit (was/were) + Base verbale -ING (complément)
Exemple :
She (sujet) + was (be conjugué au prétérit) + playing (Base Verbale -ING).
They (sujet) were (be conjugué au prétérit) + eating (Base Verbale -ING).
I was
You were
He / She / It was
We were
You were
They were
Bonne journée ;)