Read the following sentences below and put in the word 'have'.
1. We
2. You
3. They
4. We
5. You
6. They
7. We
8. You
9. They
10. We
many fishes.
red roses.
small trucks.
lots of toys.
a new shirt.
.pretty hats.
a yellow marker.
a big teddy bear.
four legs.
a lot of money.

Sagot :

Réponse :


(Pense à mettre la formule de politesse la prochaine fois que tu postes une question ;) )

  1. We have many fishes.
  2. You have red roses.
  3. They have small trucks.
  4. We have lots of toys.
  5. You have a new shirt.
  6. They have pretty hats.
  7. We have a yellow marker.
  8. You have a big teddy bear.
  9. They have four legs.
  10. We have a lot of money.

Explications :

Le verbe have reste le même à toutes les personnes, sauf à He She It où il devient 'has'.

J'espère que ça peut t'aider !