someone help please with grammar

- A contest is being organised by our school. The best project about the environment will be chosen by the teachers. Pictures must be included by the students in their project. The writing should be done by the students themselves. A new computer will be given to the winner by the school
-1500 square meters of rainforest is estimated to be cut every year
-The classroom must be left tidy
-A movie on the civil war is being watched by them
-French is taught to him
-The bill will be brought to us by the waiter
-The students were left to sing in class last week by the teacher
-The robbery wasn't told to anyone
-A letter from the police was received by Maria. In it, she was asked to call the police station
-Cookies are being baked by my mothet
-The paintings will be exhibited in Casablanca before being sent to Marrakesh
-3 tickets were given to them by the police for illegal parking
-Bananas are grown in africa
-When are his taxes going to be paid