Réponse :
Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit à la forme affirmative.Attention, les verbes avec un astérisque sont irréguliers.
( Attention :tu as oubliié des astérisques )
a) He started, playing baseball when he was 7.
b) He went to university in 1970.
c) He married twice and had two sons.
d) She divorced years after her second marriage.
e) I spent my childhood in California
.f) Mr. Malone met his wife in Paris.
g) My grandmother fell ill because she (catch*).
h) Jane's grandfather died one year ago.
i) John grew up in New Zealand
.j) We were in Oxford Street when we saw Brad Pitt.
Explications :
Peux--tu vérifier la fin de ta dernière phrase ? Merci
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