Bonjour j'ai besoin d aide en anglais sur les réponses rapide a une question exemple:
Can you speak french yes i can
No i can t
Voilà l exercice merci d'avance
1. Is there a doctor here? No,........

2. Are they going out tonight? No,

3. Can he go with you? Yes,

4. Hello Jane,have you seen Matrix? Yes,..

5. Did he come last night? No,....

6. Is it a good film? Yes,

7. Has your dad got a Porsche? No, ....

8. Does he want to come tonight? Yes, ...

9. Did she play football yesterday? No, ...

10. Are they going to the party? Yes,

Sagot :


1 There isn't

2 they're arent

3 he can

4 I have

5 he didn't

6 it is

7 he hasnt

8 he does

9 she didn't

10 they are


tu prends le premier mot et tu le met au négatif ou au positif en fonction de la réponse