exerci d anglais merci d avance

Pour mettre une phrase active au passif, on se sert de l'auxiliaire BE au même temps que celui de la voix active + participe passé du verbe.
Si c'est un temps continuous (BE + V-ing) Be (conjugué) + being + p. passsé
si c'est un modal => mpdal + be (non conjugué) + p. passé
si c'est du present perfect = have/has + been + p. passé (comme un p. perfect continuous)
Le sujet de la voix active devient le complément d'agent introduit par "by"
le COD devient le sujet de la voix ppassive.
actif > le sujet fait l'action
passif > le sujet subit l'action
1- In London, children are persuaded by Peter Pan to go to Neverland.
2- In Neverland, the Lost Boys are adopted by Wendy.
3- Hook is followed everywhere by a crocodile.
4- The Captain's hand was eaten by the crocodile a long time ago.
5- A clock was also swallowed by the crocodile.
6- The Captain is always warned by the ticking of the clock about the danger.
7- The Pirates are led by Captain Hook.
8- During the war between the Pirates and the children, Peter was helped by Tinker Bell.
9- Tinker Bell can only be seen by us as a dancing light.
10- A poison for Peter Pan is prepared by Captain Hook.
11- Tinker Bell is accidentally poisoned by Hook.
12- Maybe Tinker Bell will be saved by the audience if fairies are believed by them.
13- Tinker Bell must be saved by the audience.
14- In the end, Tinker Bell survives and the battle is lost by Captain Hook.
15- The Lost Boys have been saved by Peter Pan, but Wendy decides to return home.
dans les phrases 14 et 15, il y a 2 morceaux de phrase qu'on ne peut pas mettre au passif, car pas de COD
Bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺