Lire CO
Just what exactly does the president
do all day?
The evolving power and enlarging scope
of responsibilities have made the modern pre-
sidency a very big job. Some even say that it
is impossible for one person to handle it all.
[...] The Constitutional power as "Com-
mander in Chief" has evolved into the very
important modern role of "crisis manager". In
the 20th century, the president has become
a key player in international crises. [...]
More than anyone else, the president
its people and
symbolizes the country -
its beliefs. A president performs many cere-
monial duties, such as receiving foreign
dignitaries', throwing the first baseball of the
15 season [...]. Strong presidents must exude
confidence, not just in themselves, but in
the American people as well. [...]
Setting a political agenda has been a
role that has grown in recent years. The
20 founders clearly intended that Congress take
the lead in setting priorities and determining
policies. Today, presidents have plans for
Social Security, welfares programs, taxes,
inflation and public education.
1.Scope: étendue, périmètre. - 2. Handle: traiter.
3. Dignitaries: VIPs. - 4 Exude: respirer la confiance.
5. Welfare: protection sociale.
5 Read the text and answer
the questions.
a. Why do some people think that there
should be more than one president?
b. Why does the article think that
the president even by attending
a baseball match has a really
important role?
c. How has the role of president
changed since the original
Constitution by the Founding

Sagot :

Réponse :

a) Because the president has many responsibilities and a lot of power, and some people think that that is too much for just one person to handle.

b) Because the president represents their entire country and it shows that they have the same beliefs as the American people.

c) The president is now more involved in the policies of the country and has more impact on the system. The Founding Fathers originally wanted Congress to do it.

Explications :

a) Maintenant, il a beaucoup de responsabilités et de pouvoir. Certains pensent que c'est trop pour une seule personne.

b) Le président represente tout son pays et aussi car cela montre qu'il est interessé par les même chose que les Américains normaux.

c) Il est plus impliqué dans la conduite du pays. Les Père Fondateurs voulaient que ça soit le Congrès.

Bonne soirée :]