bonjour svp jaurai besoin daide pouvez maidez a faire une

lettre en anglais pour aller et travailler au canada

Sagot :

Dear Mister Webster,

As you know, I'm planning to come and live in Canada. I'm also hopping to find a job to do. As you know, I am very interested in your buisness, and I would like to work for you. Is there anything you can propose to me? Of course, I won't get my hopes to high, but I am hoping you will take me in. I'm looking forward to meeting you face to face soon, and I will be hoping more than ever before to work for you. And if it's not asking too much, could you tell me anywhere that's a good place for a french person to live, that's not in Quebec? Thank you so much, kind Mister Webster, and I'm sure my letter will have bored you, so I will just say good - by.

Your hopeful fan, and your hopefuly new employe, Addie Walkman.

Explications :

Dans cette lettre, j'ai expliqué pourquoi je voulais aller au Canada, sans parler du métier, et j'ai demander des renseignement d'où je devrai vivre et que j'espérai trouver un emploi chez se 'Mister Webster' car j'était intéressé dans son 'buisness'.