Bonjour c’est à rendre dans une semaine vous pouvez bien m’aidez merci d’avance .

Réponse :
Copernicus studied planets
Shakespeare wrote plays
Picasso painted pictures
Billie-Jean King played tennis
Neil Armstrong went to the moon
Marco Polo travelled to China
Martin Luther King worked for Black people's rights
Christian Dior made clothes
Columbus sailed to America
Edison invented the electric light
Elvis Presley played electric guitar
Agatha Christie wrote detective novels
Henry Ford created the first car
Alfred Hitchcock realized movies
Marconi invented the radio
Copernicus - Studying the planets
Shakespeare - Writing plays
Picasso - Painting pictures
Billie Jean King - Playing tenis
Neil Armstrong - Going to the moon
Marco Polo - Travelling to China
Martin Luther King - Working for Black people's rights
Christian Dior - Making clothes
Colombus - Sailling to America
Edison - Inventing electric light