Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider s’il vous plaît ? merci
C’est du preterit je crois

EXO 1 on te demande de mettre les verbes au prétérit continuous ou BE + V-ing. Ce prétérit sert à parler d'actions passées qui étaient en cours à un moment donné
1- You were eating when I came back.
2- I was listening to music when she screamed.
3- They were running when suddenly they stopped.
4- We were going to the cinema when our mother asked us to come back.
tu peux voir dans cet exo, que les actions passées en cours au moment des faits sont au prétérit BE + V-ing, alors que celles qui expriment une action passée soudaine sont au prétérit simple
EXO 2 pour mettre le prétérit BE + V-ing à l'interrogatif on inverse BE et sujet. Pour le négatif on ajoute not à BE
1- Were you gardening yesterday afternoon?
I wasn't gardening yesterday afternoon. (wasn't = was not)
2- Were you singing when I arrived ?
You weren't singing when I arrived. (weren't = were not)
3- Was Gloria sweating before she died?
Gloria wasn't sweating before she died.
4- Was Lans following Gloria a few minutes before her death ?
Lans wasn't following Gloria a few minutes before her death.
bonne journée ☺☺☺