Bonjour , l'exercice est de mettre le verbe au temps qui convient (prétérit ou pr. perfect) :

a. Ben : Did you have a good time in Egypt?
Lou: Oh, yes! We (visit) the Pyramids, and we (stay) in luxurious hotels. But it (be) very hot!

b. Kieran : Have you got a motorbike?
Anna: No, I always (want) to buy one, but I never (have) enough money.

c. Steve : you (ride) a camel when you (go) to Morocco?
Sue : What are you talking about? I never (be) to Morocco!. stoyto
merci beaucoup !​

Sagot :



mettre le verbe au temps qui convient (prétérit ou pr. perfect)

prétérit => action passée, terminée, datée. ou actions habituelles

p. perfect => action qui vient de se terminer, ou commencée dans le passé mais avec un lien encore dans le présent, avec les adverbes "already", "even", "never", "just", "not..yet"

a. Ben : Did you have a good time in Egypt?

Lou: Oh, yes! We visited the Pyramids, and we stayed in luxurious hotels. But it was very hot!

b. Kieran : Have you got a motorbike?

Anna: No, I always wanted to buy one, but I have never had enough money.

c. Steve : Did you ride a camel when you went to Morocco?

Sue : What are you talking about? I have never been to Morocco!​


Bonne journée ☺☺