EXO 2 > Conjugue les verbes au past perfect
le past perfect est utilisé pour parler d'une action qui s'est passée avant celle énoncée au past simple(prétérit)
---past perfect ------------prétérit--------------------> présent
on utilise le prétérit de "have" = had + participe passé
1. The pupils talked about the movie they had seen
2. In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I hadn't met for ages.
3. I was late for work because I had missed the bus.
4. Who had lived in the house before we moved in?
5. We admired the picture that Lucy had painted.
6. When I met Jane at eleven o'clock, she hadn't had breakfast yet.
7. They watered the flowers that they had planted.
8. The teacher corrected the tests that the pupils had written.
9. When we came back, it was cold in the house because Alice hadn't closed the windows.
10. The waiter didn't bring me the food that I had ordered.
11. How often had you rung the bell before he answered the door?
12. My friend was in hospital because she had had a car accident.
13. Had Carly wasshed the dishes when her mum came home?
EXO 3 > conjugue les verbes au « past perfect » ou au "prétérit"
À toi de voir quelle action est antérieure àl'autre pour déterminer où mettre le past perfect...
1. By the time we arrived, the film had begun.
2. It started raining when I had finsished mowing the lawn.
3. She told me she had bought a new computer.
4. My parents had never eaten tacos before they went to Mexico.
5.I hadn't cooked dinner when he rang at the door.
pour l'exo pour "Goldilocks", on ne voit rien sur la pièce jointe.
mais si tu as compris le principe,
past perfect pour une action anétieure à celle énoncée au prétérit, tu devrais y arriver...
bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺