vous pouvez m'aider svp
il faut faire 4 phrases pour le a. et le b. en utilisant shouldou shouldn't:

Vous Pouvez Maider Svpil Faut Faire 4 Phrases Pour Le A Et Le B En Utilisant Shouldou Shouldnt class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Exercice 3:

a. Phrase 1: Tom and Lucy  should take the bus.

   Phrase 2: Tom souldn't watch TV.

   Phrase 3: Lucy shouldn't go walking to school while being late.

  Phrase 4: Lucy should go running to school because she is late.

b. Phrase 1: Tom should drink water.

   Phrase 2: Tom should wear a casket hat.

   Phrase 3: Tom shouldn't play outside today because it is very hot.

   Phrase 4: Lucy should go swimming.

Réponse :

Lucy should go on the bus. Lucy should not walk to school ig it's late. Lucy should run to school if she's late. She shouldn't look at TV in the morning, or she will be late for school.

Tom should drink water when it's hot, and he should keep his hat on, and he shouldn't take it off. He should go in his pool to feel fresh.

Explications :
