Bonjour, j’espère que cela va t’aider,
General Facts
Capital city : Canberra
Currency : Dollar
Inhabitants : 26 068 792
Head of state : Elisabeth ||
Prime minister : Scott Morrison
National Symbol
Anthem : Nice and fair advance Australia
Animals : Kangaroo
Emblem : the kangaroo, the flag, the constellation of the Southern Cross, the National Anthem and Aboriginal culture
You can spread it on toast. It is made of yeast extract, vegetables and spices. It is Pot Roast.
The English claim this dish as their own but the Aussies perfected it! It is the famous………with……….(a type of fish).
It looks fluffy, it is made of sponge cake, which is dipped into chocolate and sprinkled with coconut. The name of that cake is Chocolate sponge cake.
This dish is composed of chicken covered with some Italian cheese. It is Italian chicken dishes.
The arborigens migrated to Australia between 65,000 and 40,000 years ago. It is the most greatest civilisation on Earth.
In 1770, the English navigator James Cook landed in Australia.
The first Europeans settled in Australia in 1788.
In 1869 an important discovery changed everything : the discovery of a gold mine.
In 1890 the 6 states become a Commonwealth of Australia.
Australia is in the South-East of France.
It is the 13th economic country in the world.
It is also the …….. and ……… continent.
There are 25,7 million inhabitants in Australia. (In comparaison, there are 67,3 million inhabitants in France!)
64% of the population live within 50km on the coast.
Landmarks (en dessous de la première image c’est “Uluru”)
It is a red rock for the ………
It is almost 348 metres tall and it’s circumference is almost 9,4 km.
( en dessous de la deuxième image c’est “Great Barrier Reef”)
It stretches over 344 400 km.
It is the world’s largest coral reef system.
It can even be seen from space.
Activities : dive (plonger), swim (nager) boat (bateau)
Voilà et aux endroits où j’ai laissé des pointillés c’est que je ne sais pas meme en cherchant sur le web, et je m’en excuse, j’ai fais mon maximum.