Bonjour j'aurais besoin d'aide pour mon anglais qui est à rendre pour la rentrée svp et merci d'avance.​

Bonjour Jaurais Besoin Daide Pour Mon Anglais Qui Est À Rendre Pour La Rentrée Svp Et Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Bonsoir ! J’ai ceci dans mon cahier, j’ai réécris par dessus pour que ce soit plus lisible, en espérant que ça puisse vous aider !!
View image SHANANAS24


Réponse :

1.. What kind of document is this ?

This document is a painting by Norman Rockwell entitled The Problem We All Live With. It was painted in 1964.

2. What is KKK ?

KKK is a racist organisation. ( Klu Klux Klan )

3. What type of word is it ?

The word "Niger" is an insult againt black people.

4. Describe the 4 men

The 4 men are wearing suits. We don’t see their faces. They have armbands. It is written «  US Marshals » on their armbands.

What is their role?

Their role is to protect the little girl.

5. Describe the little girl

The little girl is a black girl. She is wearing a white dress, white shoes and socks. Her face has no expression. She seems concentrated.

What does the little girl have in her hand ?

She has a ruler, a copy book and pencils  in her left hand.

Where is she going ?

I think she is going to school.

6. Where does the scene take place ?

The scene takes place in the street.