Niveau 3 eme
Bonsoir pouvez vous m’aider avec ce devoir en anglais svp avec le texte ci-dessous je vous met la question en pièce jointe .bonne journée et merci d’avance
There is this big girl in my class ....She sits next to me because she says she's my best friend,
but she's not ! She's always bullying me! She's always kicking me or slapping me when no
one's looking ... It hurts ! She says everybody hates me because I'm ugly and stupid and a
bore ...and that hurts too ...
And she makes me do things I don't want to do ...cheat or steal things from others ... If I don't
want to do it, she says it's OK, but I know it's not OK ... and I'm scared to death ...and then
she follows me on my way back home and she hits me really hard ... I don't want to go to
school anymore ....
Here's my poem : Feelings...scared ,hurt, worthless, worried , afraid , angry, alone,
Eyeryone has feelings , so why bully?