Réponse :
In tennis, « 40 -all » is also known by the term deuce.
Au tennis, lorsque les joueurs ont chacun 40 points, ils sont à égalité l’arbitre dit « deuce » ( au lieu de « 40-40 » )
At the speed some drivers go, one might think that the motorway was made for car racing.
car racing: course automobile
Riding without a saddle is neither easy nor comfortable.
saddle : selle
As soon as I run I get out of breath; is it normal, doctor?
out of breath : essoufflé
It was a narrow victory, but we did win, so let’s celebrate!a
narrow victory : une victoire de justesse, serrée
Journalists are allowed in the men’s changing-room, but not in the women’s.
changing-room : vestiaire
The match will probably end in a draw there is no difference between the two teams.
in a draw ( par un match nul )