Salut ! Je te mets les réponses en dessous.
Réponses :
1. In "Swastika Night", Hitler was workshiped by the people.
2. In "Swastika Night", People were forbidden to read books by the governement.
3. In "A modern Utopia", People were allowed to have a day off thanks to the governement.
4. In "A modern Utopia", the poor people were excluded.
5. In "The machine stops", People were forced to live underground because of climate change.
6. In "The machine stops", the human beings were taken care of by the machine.
7. In the "Star Maker", the character was granted the ability to travel through space by an unknown force.
8. In the "Star Maker", the character was allowed to witness the end of the universe thanks to his powers.
Explications :
Pour transformer les phrases, je te conseille de "couper la phrase en deux". L'attention se focalise sur la personne ou la chose affectée par l'action et non sur celui qui la réalise.
Utilise obligatoirement l'auxilaire "be" + participe passé.
Essaye de t'entraîner tout de même !