Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider à faire 5 phrases du present simple à la voix passive et 5 phrases du present Be + V-ing à la voix passive.

Merci d'avance :)

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

Présent Simple:

She plays tennis on Sundays

I always help my mother when it is necessary.

You eat a hamburger every day!

She doesn't go home today.

I don't play on my computer.

Present Be + V-ing à la voix passive:

Actually, a letter is being written by Peter to his beloved girlfriend.

Now, this plane is being repaired by us.

At the moment, all these songs are being sung by me.

A car is being bought

The letter has not been stamped

The TV is watched.
A letter is sent to him.
The glass is filled with water.
You are loved by someone.
Mrs WHITE are cleaned the house.
The mouse is eaten by the cat.

The mice are being eaten by the cat.
Actually, he is writing a letter to his beloved girlfriend.
Now, this plane is being repaired by us.
The car is being cleaned.
The TV is being watched.
( Bonsoir, j’espère que ça ira bonne soirée)