Bonjour est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider pour mon exercice d'anglais dans le workbook 3page 83 ( Be able to ) svp.

1- Good teachers are able to explain complicated things clearly.
2- they think they will be able to save it from extinction.
3- we will be ble to produce more clean energy but we won't be able to produce all our electricity this way.
4- Scientists are able to create new medicine from substances in rainforest plants
5- In the future doctors will be able to more diseases even if they won't be able to cure everything.
6- Today astronomers aren't able to see the whole universe but...
Twenty years ago, people were able to phone someone with portable phones. Today people are able to use the Internet, to play music, to take photos with a smartphone.... Tomorrow it is said that smartphones will be able to be foldable, won't need batteries /ou/ Tomorrow who knows what smartphones will be able to do ?
Before technicians ans scientists were able to use the Internet. Today, event children are able to use it.
Today people are able to have copies of their documents at home with their printers. In the future, they will be able to carry a printer as objects as well.
Pour le dernier exo, pas de consigne.... obligé d'utiliser "be able to" ??? À revoir. Peut-être as-tu un texte qui accompagne cet exo dans ton livre d'anglais....
Pas d'inspiration pour la dernière phrase...
bonne journée☺☺☺