Exercice 2: Completo avec WAS OU WERE When I ..........a child, I lived in Hollywood. In that city, there .....actors and rich people. There a very beautiful house near my school. In front of that house, there .... ..........a big park, with many flowers and trees. There....... ..........slides and trees in that park. And there .....6 stadiums and 4 swimming pools in the city.​

Sagot :



Réponse :

WAS OU WERE  ( prétérit de "be" )

When I was a child, I lived in Hollywood. In that city, there were actors and rich people. There was a very beautiful house near my school. In front of that house, there was a big park, with many flowers and trees. There were slides and trees in that park. And there were 6 stadiums and 4 swimming pools in the city.​

Explications :

WAS : 1ère et 3ème personne du singulier

WERE : 2ème personne du singulier et toutes les personnes du pluriel