bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide sur un sujet de réflexion qui est : faut-il être prêt à donner sa vie pour défendre une cause ?

est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider sur un truc de 20 à 30 lignes s'il te plaît parce que je ne comprends rien merci davance​

Sagot :

Réponse :

I think that if our cause is worth it, we should be ready to give our life for it. One of the causes that we would be ready to give our life for is without no doubt racism because we are living in a modern world and slavery has invisible chains. We can take the example of the photo that caused contreversy in the U.S.A in 2020, in which we can see two policemen on a horse that are leading a black man by tying him with a rope to the police station. Their excuse was that they had no choice because no car was avaible and that they absolutely needed to arrest him. We can also take the example of Eric Garner, an unarmed man who was killed in 2014, after being put in a chokehold by a New York City Police Office, or the example of George Floyde who was killed by a policeman who put his knee on his throat and he said: " i can't breath". So I think that we should be ready to give our lives for it.

Explications :