Bonjour, pouvez-vous m’aider à faire mon devoir d’anglais s’il vous plaît ? Il faut inventer la suite de l’histoire. (Peu importe si c’est en anglais ou en français)Merci d’avance bon après-midi au revoir!:))

That sounds interesting :D!
…and suddenly I saw an enormous white form coming towards me. “What in the.. what is th-this? did it see me? I- I should hide!” I whispered anxiously and started to tremble, I turned my head around in a rush, desperately looking for a place to hide. But my time started running out, since this thing was getting closer.. and closer, when I suddenly heard the voice of an angry man behind the thing, and in this moment, I realised that this thing was actually a boat. “Are we there already?!” I started to feel more and more uncomfortable, even if I actually should feel relieved to know, that I am not alone, but these voices started to sound creepy, when another one appeared: “Yes, the boss told us it would be here, so I guess we-“ “Just hurry up, you bastard!”, the other man interrupted him and immediately I knew, that it was now too dangerous for me to stay here. Without hesitation, I took a deep breath and dived back into the water. I swam, as fast as I could, to the other side of the shipwreck, where I hurriedly hid behind a big plank, at a good distance away from the boat. Slowly I came back to the surface to finally breath normally again and to take a look on the boat, which now was stopping not far away from the shipwreck. My knees didn’t stop shaking, while I could see the two mans, who brutally were throwing out a net overboard and started arguing at each other, still seeming angry. From the distance, I couldn’t understand what the two were talking about and then decided, to go back in the water. “What if they find something before I do?” I thought and quickly plunged back under water, while I started exploring this new side of the wreck. “Wow.. it is so much more interesting than the other side! And so- oh.. what is that?” Suddenly, I saw a little trapdoor in the wooden beam, full of curiosity, I tried to open it.. but it wouldn’t. A little desperately, I started to punch it, until it suddenly cracked in the inside and let me see a tiny box. I opened my eyes widely and grabbed it, but before I could open it, the loud noise of a motor interrupted my thoughts and suddenly, I started shivering. “I- totally forgot about then!” I thought, I immediately took all of my strengh and swam away as fast as possible. I approached the beach again and started to move faster and faster, behind me the men were again starting the engine and started to shout angrily, while I finally reached the beach and rushly ran over to Chloe, while heavingly breathing, I fell into the sand on her side and leaned my head anaginst the ground. “Ouch! You got me sand in my eyes! What- are you okay?” She looked at me in a worried way, but I just grimmed at her happily and handed her out the little box. “I just found something.. can you look at it?” I asked her, while Chloe already was trying to open it. It was hard and the box seemed to be very old, when finally the noise of a little crack signalised, that it was open, and as soon as the girls saw what was in there, they couldn’t believe it: “What in the- this isn’t..” and from this day on, we always wear the two identical diamond rings we found that day, on the beautiful coast of Australia.
(ça peut être n’inporte où, ça dépent de ce qu’on te demande ;) j’éspère t’avoir aidé et que le texte ne soit pqs trop long, je m’excuse pour les fautes si tu en trouves ;)