Bonjour aider moi s'il vous plaît,
Écrire une lettre :
sujet : 1940, London. You are a child. You have been evacuated to the countryside. You arriveda few days ago. You decide to write a letter to your parents.
ou 2022 : you write a letter to your great granchildren about the year 1940, when you were sent to the countryside, away from your parents, who stayed in London.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Dad, Mom

For a long time, modesty prevented me from writing these few lines to you. But then time passed, and I realized how important it is to tell you some things.  After this long trip, I finally arrived in London after a few hours of travel!

How are you all doing?

On my side, I'm fine!

I spend my days visiting London and the more I want to stay but that doesn't mean I don't miss you guys !

My days here are wonderful, I like the countryside very much and I thank you again for offering me this trip !

Even if you are not with me, I take full advantage of my days of rest here, more over the air here is pure, I gain a lot of advantage by staying here!

Sorry, my friends call me I love you take care!

I love you!

Explications :

met comme les modèle de lettre et n'oublie pas de mettre ta signature a la lettre au cas ou!!!

Et surtout met la date!!!!