bonsoir j'ai besoin de votre aide s'il vous plait pour cette execice d'angllais je vous serais reconnaissant

Réponse :
Explications :
a) I like swimming with them
b) they always play football with him
c) I like going to school with her .
Réponse :
a) I like swimming with my friends = I like swimming with them
b) They always play football with my father = They always play football with him
c) I like going to school with my mother = I like going to school with her.
Pronoms personnels | Leurs Pronoms compléments
Je = I = Me (moi)
Tu = you = you (toi)
Il/elle/on = he/she/it = him/her/it (lui/elle)
Nous = we = us (nous)
Vous = you = you (vous)
Ils/elles = they = them (eux)
Exemple : J'aime jouer avec mon père (J'aime jouer avec lui) =
I like playing with him.
Voilà, j'ai fait de mon mieux pour tout t'expliquer!