Please help pour cette exercice. Merci d'avance.
Add tag questions to the following statements.

Something must be done to help homeless people, __________?

There should be subway lines in Casablanca, ________________?

Drug trafficking is illegal in many countries, _______________?

The water crisis has never been as serious as it is now, ____________?

You will most probably reach your goals if you keep trying, ___________?

Sagot :



les "tags" sont à la forme affirmative, si la phrase est négative

et Vice et versa

à la forme négative si la phrase est positive.

auxiliaire + sujet.

La forme négative est toujours contractée.


Something must be done to help homeless people, mustn't it ?

There should be subway lines in Casablanca,  shouldn't there ?

Drug trafficking is illegal in many countries, isn't it?

The water crisis has never been as serious as it is now,has it ?

You will most probably reach your goals if you keep trying, won't you ?


bonne journée ☺☺☺