Réponse :
1- Did you phone her ?
2-No I didn't phone her!
3- Did you phone him, then ?
4-Yes, I did.
5- Was he sleeping when you phoned ?
6-No he wasn't sleeping .He was working !
réponse courte : - Yes, + pronom + auxiliaire
- No, + pronom + auxiliaire à la forme négative
1-Did Bill go to Chicago last Year ? Yes, he did
2- Was Sandy sleeping when Helen came in ?No, she wasn't.
3- Were you cycling when you met John ?Yes, I was
Attention ici, changement de pronom et d'auxiliaire dans la réponse courte
4- Did the policeman push Dad's car yesterday ?Yes, he did.
5-Was Bob running when he fell ?No, he wasn't.