Bonjour pouvez m'aider svp

Rends compte des expériences suivantes en t'aidant des éléments proposés.

Example: Leila living on a cattle station / tough experience → Living on a cattle station is the toughest experience Leila has ever had.

a. Jack → shearing sheep / hard job b.

b. /Mark and Claudia ► helping people in the Outback / enriching experience c.

c. /My friends and I meeting Aborigines / incredible moment

d. / swimming with sharks / scary moment​

Sagot :

Voila tes réponses:
A. Shearing sheep is the hardest job Jack has ever had/done.
B. Helping people in the Outback is the most enriching experience Mark and Claudia have ever had/done.
C. Meeting Aborigines is the most incredible moment my friends and I have ever had/done.
D. Swimming with sharks is the scariest moment I have ever had/done.

J'ai mis had/done car c'est deux possibilités qui marchent mais pour respecter ton exercise, c'est mieux de mettre had. J'espère que ça t'aura aidé, bonne soirée:)