Bonjour, j’espère que vous allez bien. Est-ce que une personne pourrait m’aider à faire mon anglais s’il vous plaît ( pour chaque point il faut faire un paragraphe). Final project. You would like to develop a co-housing project in an abandoned area. You write a letter to Jane Morgan, your local councillor, to present your idea and convince her to support it (180 words minimum)

• Introduce yourself and the reason for writing to your councillor.
• Describe your co-housing project. Explain why this project is a great opportunity for the city.
• Think of arguments to convince your councillor to consider your project.
• End your letter with an appropriate phrasing.
• Make references to projects you studied in the unit
•Talk about the environmental impact.
• Imagine your project’s shared and private spaces.
• Use different future forms.
• Use the appropriate articles.
• Use the subordinate clauses with WHAT .
Merciiii à vous c’est très gentil. Passer une bonne journée