bonjour pourriez vous m'aidez pour une disserte en anglais

la consigne:

Rédigez une dissertation de 150 mots dans laquelle vous racontez une histoire drôle ou étonnante au past simple ou past continuous

Sagot :

I remember when I was with some friends we were at a very importante event and some of my friends wanted to go down stairs but we couldn't because they were some bodyguard so one of my close friend choosed to simply sing a song in front of thousand of people who were here to look at a painting wall . he sang the sunlight of the tropique and the bodyguard tried to stop him and when they were trying we simply went down stairs to see .

the funny think is that we opened the door down Stairs and they were some policeman like 40 policeman .

we were not arrested cause we looked like 13 years old boy but it was funny and scary