Bonjour,quelqu’un peut me faire s’il vous plaît tout les exercices s’il vous plaît avec des phrases courtes ? Merci d’avance :)

Réponse :
1) The origins of these two iconic political symbols were made by political cartoonist Thomas Nast, (tu peux couper la phrase ici ou continuer) whose drawings also helped create modern images of Uncle Sam and Santa Claus.
2) The donkey was first related to Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign and became hyped in the 1870s due to being in the cartoons of Thomas Nast, it represents democrats.
3) The elephant symbol was first used by President Abraham Lincoln around 1860s. Thomas Nast - who was a Republican associated an elephant with the Republican party.
4) Andrew Jackson was the first Democrat ever to be related to the donkey symbol. His opponents during the election tried to label him a "jackass". Jackson was amused by the notion and ended up using it to his advantage on his posters.
But cartoonist Thomas Nast is credited with making the donkey symbol
Nast was also responsible for the Republican Party elephant. In 1874, he drew a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was called "The Republican Vote."
Explications :
Je ne suis pas sûr mais j'éspère que ça pourras t'aider bonne chance