bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider pour cette exercice svp

modal will + Base Verbale
négatif > Will + not > won't
I'm sure it will rain tomorrow. That's why I won't go to the charity.... but I will visit the exhibition.....
What about you ? Will you go to the concert ? It will start at 7 in the evening.
Tu ne précises pas quel futur tu dois employer
le futur simple (will) ou le futur proche....
Si c'est sur le futur proche >>
"be going to + Base Verbale" (BE conjugué au présent)
I'm sure it is going to rain tomorrow. That's why I'm not going to the charity ..... but I am going to visit the exhibition....
What about you ? Are you going to go to the concert . It is going to start at 7 in the evening.
bonne soirée ☺☺☺