Sagot :
if + present -----------> futur
if + past simple ---------> would + Base Verbale
if + past perfect----------> would have + participe passé (il y en a deux, je les ai soulignés)
Don't miss the new series Underground ! Whether you are interested in history or not, I am certain you will enjoy this series ! If you follow the characters, you will see that the life of a runaway slave was like. Looking back, what would have happened if emancipated slaves had not gone back South ?
Would that many slaves been saved?
How many more slaves would have died ?
To conclude , it is a well-known fact that history repeats itself; what would you do if you were faced with such choices ? Would you stand up for justice or would you be too scared ?
Who knows what would have happened unless this human chain of solidarity had existed. Let us pay tribute to these men and women who stood up for justice at the risk of their lives !
Bonne soirée ☺☺☺