Bonjour, pourriez-vous m'aider à définir l'harcèlement en anglais ?
Merci à ceux ou celles qui m'aideront. ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bullying is defined as repeated violence that can be verbal, physical or psychological. This violence can also be found within the school.

But there are several types of harassment:

Moral harassment, professional harassment, school harassment, sexual harassment, street harassment... All types of harassment are punished by law.

In the school environment, harassment is a repetitive relationship of force and domination that is characterized by different forms that can be accumulated against the victim: intimidation, insults, threats, mockery, humiliation, blackmail, physical aggression, racketeering, social rejection, exclusion, games ...

Moral harassment or psychological harassment or mobbing is an abusive behaviour which, through repeated or systematic gestures, words, behaviours or attitudes, aims at or leads to the degradation of the living or working conditions of a person (the victim of the harasser)

Explications :