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Il faut réécrire ce texte en commençant par "Bill and Jack"

Bill Allchin describes his evacuation: "I was eight years old, my brother was six and my sister was five. Before getting on the train, my mother told me that I mustn't allow our family to be separated."​

Sagot :

Réponse : Bill and Jack Allchin describe they evacuation : They were eight years old, their brother was six and their sister was five. before getting on the train, their mother told thme that they mustn't allow our family to be separated.

Au cas tu veux t'entrainer et comprendre comment faire l'exercice :

- révise le prétérit de Be (I was, you were, he/she/it was...)

- révise tes pronoms personelles

- Surtout ne passe jamais parle le français