Sagot :
1. I- they - she - she - he- he - he - I - l
2. Is - is - is - is - are - are - are - are - is - is
3. Quel temps- où- comment- quand- qui
4. An elephant, a brid, a duck, a whale, a horse
1. My name's Aby and I'm 12. My parents are very nice. They help me with my homework and play videogames with me too I have a sister she is 15. She has a boyfriend, Sam. He is 16 and he plays the guitar. When he plays, roy sister and I sing. We love singing and we also like dancing
II. Complete avec la forme de BE (au présent) qui convient
1. My brother is 18 years old and he is very sporty 2. This car is very fast so it is a little dangerous ! 3. Are these chocolates for me? They are appetizing!! 4. Where are you, Susie ? Your parents are looking for you. 5. My shoes are under my bed but where is my umbrella?
1- Donne la traduction des mots interrogatifs suivants
What time : A quelle heure (je suis pas sûr)
Where : Où
How : Comment
When : Quand
Who : Qui
II- Écris le nom de chaque animal en anglais, avec le déterminant qui convient : a / an / O
les animaux : éléphant - oiseau - canard - baleine - chevaux
an elephant
a bird
a duck
a whale
a horse (pour cheval au singulier mais si c'est au pluriel c'est: horses)
1. je : I
3eme personne du singulier (il ou elle) : he ou she
nous: we
ils/elles : they
tu/vous :you
he/she is
I am
you/we/they are