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3 Time to check
Canada was discovered by a.
and then it became a British colony. That's why today it's a
You can see the face of the British
and on the
such as the bear
on the Canadian dollar
there is typical Canadian...
and the
flag from
person Aki can ski and she can
Julia is happy in Canada. She had a huge...
her new Canadian friend Aki Aki's dad is a
In surnmer, she plays

Sagot :



Réponse :

Canada was discovered by a French explorer in 1534 and then it became a

British colony. That's why today it's a bilingual country.

You can see the face of the British monarch on the Canadian dollar banknote. and on the coins there is typical Canadian wildlife such as the bear, the moose and the beaver.

Julia is happy in Canada. She has a huge maple leaf flag from her new

Canadian friend Aki. Aki's dad is a First Nation/ Native person. Aki can ski

and she can play ice hockey. In summer, she plays lacrosse.

Explications :

French : français

bilingual : bilingue

monarch : monarque ( la reine Elizabeth )

banknote : billet ( de banque )

coins : pièces

beaver: le castor

moose : l'élan

maple leaf : feuille d'érable

Remarque: le texte porte sur le Canada, mais il n'y a pas d'informations précises sur les personnages. J'ai donc mis "ice hockey" et "lacrosse" car ce sont des sports beaucoup pratiqués au Canada, mais pas certain que ce soient ceux que Aki pratique. Même remarque pour les animaux...

Je te conseilles de vérifier le vocabulaire que vous avez vu pour éviter les erreurs.