je dois écrire une histoire en anglais, elle doit être composé d'un mystère, une enquête. Je dois utiliser le vocabulaire adapté ( crime , ...) et utiliser les auxiliaires modaux. J'ai écrit ça :

In the morning, he went to the castle to inspect the crime scene, she had been found dead in the afternoon. He found that the victim had received a knife in the back. The murderer must have taken her by surprise to stab her. He then interviewed the suspects to find out what they were doing while the murder took place

Firstly he questioned Laure's husband:
He said "What were you doing yesterday afternoon?"
"I went to see the storks at the lake" he replied
He went to question the other suspects in the same way:
He asked "hello mister the director and hello mister the gardener what were you doing yesterday afternoon?"
"I took care of the garden at the castle" Explained the gardener
"I went to the region's wine festival" Replied the director.

After questioning them, he knew who was to blame. He went to see Laure's husband,
He said, "You lied, you couldn't go see the storks, they weren't around then."
"Sorry, I got confused with my wife and stabbed him, I'm ashamed" he explained. He said "You are arrested for the murder"

pouvez vous me dire si il y a des choses incohérentes ou de simple fautes d'orthographe.
merci d'avance .​

Sagot :


In the morning, the detective visited the castle to inspect the crime scene. The victim had been found dead in the afternoon. He found that the she had received a knife in the back. The murderer must have backstabbed her. He then interviewed the suspects to find out what they were doing while the murder took place.

Firstly he questioned Laure's husband:

He said "What were you doing yesterday afternoon?"

"I went to see the storks at the lake", he replied.

He went to question the other suspects in the same way:

He asked "Hello mister the director and hello mister the gardener what were you doing yesterday afternoon?"

"I took care of the garden at the castle", explained the gardener.

"I went to the region's wine festival", replied the director.

After questioning them, he knew who was to blame. He went to see Laure's husband,

He said, "You lied, you couldn't go see the storks, they're not around at that time of the day."

" I got into an argument with my wife and stabbed her. I am ashamed.", says the suspect.

"You are charged with murder and therefore will be arrested", replies the detective.

Voici votre rédaction corrigée. Il y avait seulement quelques fautes de construction de phrases. J'ai aussi amélioré le grammaire.