Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider

Réponse :
Exercice 1 :
a. My parents often listen to music.
b. On Friday night they like watching television.
c. Have you ever met my Dad?
d. Yesterday, we ate chips at the canteen.
e. Do you sometimes play tennis with your friends on Sunday?
Exercice 2 :
*Quelques mots sont coupés, donc je ne peux pas faire cet exercice.*
Exercice 3 :
a. "Are you going to South Africa this summer?"
"No, I won't, unfortunately!"
b. "Did you watch the documentary about wildlife in Africa last night?"
"Yes, I did."
c. "Do you think Mandela was a great man?"
"Yes, I definitely do."
d. "Have you read his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom?"
"No, I haven't. Not yet."
e. "Have South Africa changed since Apartheid ended?"
"Yes, it has."
f. "Does South Africa belong to the Commonwealth?"
"Yes, it does."
Exercice 4:
a. What is the largest park in South Africa?
b. Who wrote The Conservationist ?
c. When did she win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
d. Where was Mandela born?
e. Why did South Africa have to leave the Commonwealth from 1961 to 1994?
f. How many provinces are there?
g. How far is Johannesburgh from Cape Town?
h. How long does it take to fly from Johannesburgh to Cape Town?