Bonjour, Pourriez-vous m'aider à deux questions grâce au texte(voirphoto) : 1. The kind of gappers concerned + the means they use to have their gap year.... Merci à la personne qui pourra m'aider .

Réponse :
Bonjour ! Voici ce que je te propose :) ;
The kind of gappers concerned: As the text states, the gappers concerned are typically "young people" who are interested in social activities (seen as "fun") , such as group works or discovering a new country. These gappers typically have an interest in helping the local community.
the means they use to have their gap year : They join gap year communities and organizations, such as the Madaventurer for example, and play a role in the development of many local aspects, such as helping in the educational field or reducing poverty by means of teaching, construction, health and sports.
J'espère que ca t'aidera !
Explications :