Bonjour j’ai une rédaction écrite à faire en anglais et je n’ai malheureusement pas le temps de le faire est-ce que quelqu’un aurait des exemples de phrases que je pourrais écrire s’il vous plaît merci beaucoup d’avance passez de bonnes fêtes.

Dear president of WWF,
My classmates and me want to save polar bears. Indeed, since we've seen their living conditions, we want to help them. We want to do this, for them, for us. We want to stop the global warming by using sparingly our cars, and the principal causes of global warming. We are used to consume petrol without even noticing. Therefore, we'll stop abuses. The polar bears have surely done much things to survive, now we have to help them. We have to reduce the uses of plastics, and replace the plastic straws to paper straws. Plastic bags disappear after 1000 years in nature, so we have stop using them.
(Et là tu mets ton prénom)