Je suis bloquer sur mon dm d'anglais est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp...

DM à rendre pour le 5 janvier : Peter Pan came to your house, put some fairy dust on you and you've flown to Neverland. Describe a typical day in Neverland.

Tu devras utiliser :
- tes connaissances sur le Pays Imaginaire ;
- le présent simple pour dire une habitude ;
- le adverbes de fréquence.

Ton devoir devra faire 70 mots (environ 7 lignes).​

Sagot :

Réponse :

As I fly and flyy while struggling to keep balance, peter holds my hand to help me out. The magic, the sky and the feeling of the fresh breeze has made me feel an unexplainable emotion. This so called land of neverland is the most wonderful place i've ever seen. The clear cristal water, the small mountains, the big and small different plants. One blue, one red, one orange. It reminds me of a dream of a land we never shall see. But here i am flying above sunshine's and rainbows. The waterfalls are always and very often cold. which is good. We saw frequently pirates on their boats trying to capture peter. Their boats are big, but some of them are small. They always run around causing trouble. The only problem is that they never leave us alone.