Bonjour ^ - ^
je corrigerais comme ça :
Today was not like every days. It was sad, very sad… It was a cold and snowy day. I was always happy when there’s snow but today was sad. I really hated the weather, I didn’t expect that one day this would happen… When I came home from school, I saw my mother and my sister crying. I said : “What’s wrong ?” and they said to me : “Your Grand-father died…” . At first I starter to laugh because I thought it was a joke but I wish it wasn’t… Right now, I am sitting on my bed, sad while writing the story of my beloved Grand-father who’s gone and will never come back on the 22nd of December 2020. I can’t stop crying, it’s hard to forget it, really hard…
J’espère que ça t’a aidé :))