Sagot :
Bonjour ! J'espère vous aider !
Réponse :
Il était une fois, une dame vivant au pole nord avec son mari qui était le père Noel. Malheureusement, la veille de ce jour tant attendu par les enfants le père noël s'est cassé une jambe. Sa femme très anxieuse réfléchissait a un plan de secours pour livrer les cadeaux. cependant elle ne savait pas diriger les rennes du traîneau. Heureusement une idée lui vint en tête cette dernière était de remplacer son cher mari a réaliser cette mission, malgré son manque expérience elle prie son courage a deux mains et passa a l'acte. le lendemain matin le père noël se réveilla et réalisa que sa fameuse tache fut accompli.
Once upon a time, there was a lady living in the North Pole with her husband who was Santa Claus. Unfortunately, on the eve of the day that the children were so eagerly awaiting, Santa broke his leg. His anxious wife was thinking of a backup plan to deliver the presents, but she didn't know how to steer the reindeer. Fortunately, an idea came to her head, which was to replace her dear husband to carry out this mission. Despite her lack of experience, she took her courage in both hands and went ahead. the next morning, santa woke up and realised that his famous task had been accomplished.
Once upon a time, there was a lady living at the north pole with her husband who was Santa Claus. Unfortunately, on this day long awaited by children, Santa Claus broke his leg. His very anxious wife was thinking about a back-up plan to deliver the gifts. however, she did not know how to lead the reindeer of the sleigh. Fortunately an idea came to her mind, the latter was to replace her dear husband to carry out this mission, despite her lack of experience, she begged her courage with both hands and took action. the next morning santa claus woke up and realized that his famous task had been accomplished.