Bonsoir qqun peut-il m'aider à faire ces questions avec le texte ci-joint svp ?

2) critical and sceptical
"I just can't wait for it to be over - a total waste of time! says one mother."
3) "A chance for young people and teachers alike to forget about "learning for the test" and concentrate on learning for life."
4) Parents might be afraid of T.Y. or go as far as to criticize it since most of them see it as "a dangerous breeding ground for bad habits and excess socialising." They can't be sure of the results and parents think that it might affect the way their kids will live in the future since T.Y. is known for their ways to show young people how to live.
5) The author of the article doesn't seem to be sceptical. He might mention parents opinion but also mentions the good side of T.Y. After all, T.Y. concerns young people as much as it concerns their parents.
J'espère avoir pu t'aider :)